The Chemtrail Sky Is Crying - Video Sparkark made in 2014

3 years ago

You Don't Have Covid19 You Have Chemflu
Chemtrails are radioactive metallic coal bottom fly ash from coal power plants sent to USA Air force bases, then this coal ash is mixed with polymers, aka plastic. This coal ash is then loaded on USA Air Force Prop Planes and dumped on our heads, this coal ash slowly is killing off wildlife, the environment and the human race.
CIA calls chemtrails Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) this is their favorite program.

Our governments have become tyrannical are slowly killing people/animals/environment with poisons by design.
Agenda 21 2030-50 is all about depopulating the human race by nine/tenths before 2050 or sooner. governments are also creating a Reset Now, that's why people don't Innerstant what's going on in this crazy realm Earth.

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