Christchurch mosque chalker

3 years ago

Stuff @NZStuff Dec 12, 2020
Policing hate: What are the proposed changes and will they make a difference?

#Iamthetruthrichardsilver2020 @Iamthetruthric1 Dec 12, 2020
your thought's are no longer your own, now thy belong to this communist dictator, if you have any unauthorized thought's, contact your closest police station for reeducation, you are now in a communist dictatorship, you DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS

Jade Jones @JadeJon05760827 Dec 15, 2020
How're you handling the Socialist take over Nate me ole mate? 'Nothing to hide, nothing to fear', aye - but how come you always hid behind the ski mask bro? Should have stayed that way, aye. Now you're out and proud with your rather distinctive nasally tones. Good boy Nathan. FAZ

Jade Jones @JadeJon05760827 Dec 15, 2020
You're next for a knock on the door from the ole Bill

Kilimanjaro @teacherspet1958 Dec 14, 2020

Simoncine @Darwiniancat Dec 14, 2020

Noeleen VDL @noeleen_vdl Dec 15, 2020
You're fearful of our freedom of speech being taken away. So to protest, you HAND WROTE an enduring and accurate message in chalk.Woman with headscarf

ReaperBean ☕ @Reaverbean Dec 15, 2020
What, that women should be educated and equal to men?
Or are you just some numpty that couldn't be bothered to find out what the religion actually is about?
Wait until you find out what Christian priests have done and said...
Go check out what the bible says.

Trudee Thomas @Chatham_Islands Dec 25, 2020
What a twat. He should be on Twatter...

Jade Jones @JadeJon05760827 Sep 1
And then Nate got cocky. Another BIG mistake as we pinned him down as the Christchurch mosque chalker...
He wrote "ISLAM WAS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN" to intimidate people attending the Mosqu

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