Build Back Better religious cult

3 years ago

The new world order and build back better propaganda. They are trying to usher in a global reset and if you don’t fight back now the globalists have already won. Immigration and plandemic along with vaccines and vaccine passes are all being used to force their globalization and anti America policies. They hate God and are basically setting up their end time religion. This religion will be used to brainwash the masses. Take the jab, take the mark, live in our better society. Conspiracy theory no more. Bible thumping fanatics no more. We are telling you from the rooftops. Christ is coming and so is the world’s anti-Christ. He is already alive and the blueprints for their synagogue of Satan is already viewable on the internet. It will be built in Jerusalem and it combines Muslim, Jewish and Catholic religions. Don’t be left behind. Give your heart to Jesus Christ now and get saved.

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