Norm MacDonald Blue Card Jokes Read By Gun Enthusiasts

3 years ago

Norm MacDonald Blue Card Jokes Read By Gun Enthusiasts

Look back on Norm MacDonald
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Follow Rick Ector (Rick put together the event that hosted these lovely people reading Norm's jokes)
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This took place at Rick Ector's annual FREE women's gun training event in Metro-Detroit on Saturday, August 21st, 2021, just a few weeks prior to the SICKENING loss of the Greatest Comedian, Mr. Norm MacDonald.
Well, we may have lost Norm MacDonald to cancer, but between Norm and his cancer, it was a draw.
As many of you have exclaimed, I too didn't even know he was sick…
Were those hints at the momento mori for Norm from Norm and for us? Norm had a love of humor for the most select of audiences (namely himself and, perhaps, God), so maybe Norm did purposefully craft jokes and remarks here and there following his beginning battle with evil cancer.
Two folks come to mind in terms of my appreciation of the one and only (and gone so, so too soon) Norm MacDonald … and they are
I'm Not Norm
I'm Not Norm's YOUTUBE -
Sparkle Forest
Sparkle Forest's YOUTUBE -
Sparkle Forest's INSTAGRAM -


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Thank you for watching this Norm MacDonald Blue Card Jokes reading masterpiece. Be at once Good & True & Beautiful (somehow). I will pray for America. Please pray for me. God Bless you.


Saturday, August 21st, 2021

Wokeness is a cancer that kills candor and comedy cures the cancerous tumor of political correctness that covers and culls and censors and itself tries to kill candor

In the current years, comedians are the canaries in the coal mines across the crust of the earth, calling out the censorship culling out their material until clap-"laughter" replaces laughs, thus showing the cancerous curse that kills candor and quality coming for us all quickly.

Norm MacDonald Blue Card Jokes Read By Gun Enthusiasts

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