What are your Past Mistakes? This is Why you Should Fix Them, NOW.

3 years ago

Every day we repeat mistakes we have good intentions to correct, one day. Many of these mistakes occur because of the bad habits we picked up when we were younger.
We continue to live with these habits because we do not understand how they affect us and our future.
When we live our life we do not always know if our decisions or actions are good or bad. No one labels our actions for us, so we do not know any better. I guess our parents, guardians, and teachers try to teach us right from wrong but how often do we listen?
Through awareness, many of the actions we taken up till now, we have learned from or dismissed. Other actions we continue to take to this day. Many of us continue to repeat the same errors we made when we were children.
Perhaps that is why many of us continue to act like children in adult situations?
Why have we not learned from our past mistakes? Perhaps because we don't see the errors of our ways?
Many of us have not taken the time to learn from our oversights in this area. I believe it is time to do so or we will continue to make the mistakes.
Far too often we do not want to face reality. We must change. That change may cause pain and hurt in our lives. Many of us are not ready for this kind of change in life.
The sooner we deal with our blunders the sooner we can change our life. This will allow us to take our life in a different direction. The direction we have always desired to take it.
When we correct our mishaps, it allows for new opportunities to come our way. Not to mention we can be forgiven by those we may have hurt and get forgiveness from ourselves.
The more you and I understand this, the more we will grow over time and into our future self.
The you of the future can be better than the you of right now. Are you going to take the first step and admit your past mistakes?

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