Oil is a renewable bio-genetic substance. Not scarce at all.

3 years ago

Petroleum comes from a black goo made at the deepest part of the oceans (> 10,000 meters) when oil seeps into cracks & fissures between the tectonic plates where, under very high pressure of saltwater, the Oxygen is separated from the the hydrogen to form natural gasses ethane & methane leaving the hydrogen to combine with rich carbon deposits to form this new hydrocarbon. After this hydrocarbon's exposure to the magnetic fields of the crust at this place & depth continues it forms this black goo substance that seeps up through the many cracks in the crust where oil can be taken with equipment.

The Deep State and Big Pharma's goals are to weaken us by poisoning our food and water supply and altering our body's normal function so we would become totally dependent on the government. They do not want us to be autonomous and self-reliant. That is why even the cars of the future will become unfix-able by normal mechanics. Just look at all the exhaustive technologies in modern cars, just to make four wheels go round! They do not want us to fix our own vehicles!

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