Construction Workers - Melbourne - Block Road - Forced Jab & Restrictions

3 years ago

Construction workers across Melbourne have stopped traffic and trams in the city as they took lunch on the streets in protest of new COVID-19 restrictions.

On Friday workers gathered on plastic chairs in the middle of a host of busy city streets including Lonsdale Street, Swanston Street and Sydney Road.

Under the new restrictions announced on Thursday construction workers will need to have had their first vaccine by September 23 or show proof of booking.

Tradies will not be able to travel from Melbourne to regional Victoria.

Victoria’s COVID-19 commander Jeroen Weimar banned tearooms to minimise the risk of transmission.


AFL Solicitors are running a case against the NSW Health Minister and Chief Medical Officer in the NSW Supreme Court to obtain a ruling to declare such vaccine mandates unlawful and in breach of the Australian Constitution section 51(xxiiiA), the Nuremberg Code of which Australia upheld after WWII and is a signatory, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as other federal and state laws including the Federal Bio Security Act which makes any coercion or compulsion of any medical procedure unlawful including expressly “vaccines” without freely given informed consent.


It is unlawful and impossible to mandate the vaccine on you or your children by any government agency, representative or individual, or by any employer or by any school - so calm down and take a deep breath.

State Governments carefully use words and misconstrue facts to make it sound like it's mandatory but it is not and your employer has no legal grounds to make it mandatory.

They are trying to force you to voluntarily take the vaccine.

The government is planning to pass the "liability" of injuries onto your employer - which your employer is probably unaware of. Employers who mandate covid vaccines may be held liable for “any adverse reaction”.

Human Rights Lawyer Links

Ashley, Francina, Leonard & Associates (AFL) Lawyers Sydney



VAX Info

Vax Info

Interviews with Australian Victims of the Jab


Employers should be very wary of introducing mandatory vaccinations for SARS-COV2. As soon as they do, they represent to their employees that the vaccines are safe and proportionate to the risk from the virus and they should submit to vaccination.

Are the vaccines safe?
That is the question every employer must ask itself. And each employer must perform its own reasonable investigations to answer this vital question. Employers cannot rely on government and media rhetoric to support their mandate.

Here are some vital facts regarding vaccine safety:

1. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are experimental nanotechnology that has never been properly tested on humans;

2. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have never been subject to a completed animal trials;

3. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have not been in development for almost twenty years; the technology is a very recent development;

4. The Pfizer vaccine has approval from the TGA for Provisional Use Only. The earliest it can get final approval is early 2023. Moderna has no approval;

5. Nobody knows the long-term effects of the vaccines. The people now submitting to vaccination are the long-term guinea pigs;

6. The Pfizer vaccine has been shown to cause heart inflammation, particularly in young people. Other possible side effects include Guillain Barr syndrome, a host of neurological conditions and death.

7. Most people under 40 will suffer no ill effects or very minor ill effects from SARS-COV2. 90% of the people who have died from complications from SARS-COV2 had significant co-morbidities.

8. The PCR-RT test is not a reliable diagnostic tool, particularly where labs have been cycling images up to 35 to 45 magnifications.

9. Asymptomatic spread is extremely rare.

10. Infection grants long term or even lifetime immunity. Many people also have natural T cell immunity.

11. The vaccine doesn't stop someone catching and transmitting the virus.

12. The Pfizer and Moderna technology is constructed of graphene, which does not exist in nature and is poisonous to humans. There is no data concerning the long-term effects of graphene on the human body.

13. Several cheap and effective medications exist that act as prophylactics and therapeutics against SARS-COV2, including hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc, azithromycin, vitamins C and D and doxycycline

14. The only testing on the vaccines has been conducted or funded by the manufacturers themselves. The TGA has performed no tests on the constituent ingredients or safety and efficacy.

Side note: The virus is called SARS-COV2. COVID19 is the name given to the secondary lung disease. Coronavirus is a genus of virus that includes the common cold and influenza.


* We are in the process of gathering all evidence together in one document that you can pass onto your employers and unions.

* Something is forcing them to threaten employers before Sept 23rd and Sept 30th - why the rush? 5 days? Seriously?

- maybe they lose their Emergency State Powers?

- the government cannot mandate the vaccines, they are 'using' the employers to do it for them

- maybe something is released that reveals employers will be liable for vaccine injuries which could cost them millions

- maybe it's something to do with the current court cases

- WE DONT KNOW - but hold hold hold until after September - something is definitely 'happening' even if we don't know exactly why they are doing this push "all around the globe" at the same time so urgently - other than it reveals how corrupt and evil the entire system is.

- Letter with evidence and facts will be finished in the next few days and shared around Telegram when finished.

- If you can't wait a few days because of some other threat - please use the letters above to create your own - delay - book your jab in for "November" - book an appointment to "speak" with a doctor (that doesn't do vaccines on-site).

- Ask questions - delay, breathe.

They cannot win. You are not alone - there are more of us than what the 'headlines' would have you believe - it's all a 'big bluff'. We have truth and evidence on our side - we just need time to gather it.

AHPRA is GAGGING our Health Professionals

The 9 March 2021 AHPRA Position Statement:

All Australians encouraged to "get vaccine advice from your doctor" but AHPRA have refused to allow the doctors to express any concerns - they are not allowed to speak up if their 'advice' differs from the governments narrative.

Australian Doctors Gagged by AHPRA

Nurse - Melbourne - Truth About COVID Vaccines & AHPRA


Clive Palmer calls out "Pharma-Funded" Australian Government & Health Regulators

NSW School Teacher Speaks Out - COVID Truth - to Other Aussie Teachers

Aussie Cop Speaks with Melbourne Lawyer

Healthcare Workers, Paramedics, Nurses, Speak out on Vaccine Injuries Coverup (Random Clips)

NZ Doctor - Look beyond the "Safe & Effective Mantra" and ask some questions.

Canadian Doctors: “Join The Right Side of History”

More: (Boycott Google if you want Truth)

On Censorship & Corruption

Australian Ex-Cop: Join us - Take Action to Remove Corruption

McCullough on the "Trusted News Initiative" (COVID Censorship)

Pfizer/Moderna = Communism = World Takeover?

Censored Important Videos

Video Clip Sources:

Sky News Australia clip:

Real Eukshan clip:

AWU Victoria clips: (Australian Worker's Union)
AWU Vic Branch Secretary, Ben Davis has a second update for all construction members.

AWU Vic Branch Secretary, Ben Davis has a short update for all construction members.

9 News Australia Clips - (edited out the propaganda-lies)
Melbourne construction workers protest smoko rules | 9 News Australia

The rest (the majority) are shared around different Telegram Channels

Stand By Me - Ben E. King (Boyce Avenue acoustic cover)

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