So I was mopping the floor last night and dad had Gaitlyn in the bed with him so I could mop and no

3 years ago

So I was mopping the floor last night and dad had Gaitlyn in the bed with him so I could mop and no 🦶🏿! Before bath I stopped and I had some hot fries. Well Gaitlyn loves them but she doesn’t like to get them on her fingers same with a Cheeto. She likes to have them in a napkin🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s a weirdo. Dad hands her some clean drawers I just laid on his nightstand I folded..... that works too she said. Just laugh real life 🤷🏻‍♀️ and she’s just so happy about it. What do normal bed sheets feel like Hahaha 😂

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