I reviewed - Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion. Pro-Choice | Pro-Life

3 years ago

Pro-Choice is Sin and Bad. For-Abortion is Sin and Bad. Pro-Abortion is Sin and Bad. In my video here https://rumble.com/vmmci7-atheism-beer-same-sex-marriage-and-abortion..html?mref=rco88&mc=66ndb. I reviewed the documentary called Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion. "Fair Use". This video is just my reviewed of the documentary called Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion. Abortion have to get BANNED in all 50 States here in the United States of America and everywhere else in the World! Abortion is Murder (Abortion is Killing) found in the Holy Bible read Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 15:19-20 and Romans 13:9. Abortion is from the Devil (Satan). Abortion is Sin and Bad read Mark 10:19, James 2:11 and Romans 1:29. Abortion is Child Abuse. Abortion is the KILLING and MURDER of babies a.k.a. children. People who are Pro-Abortion, For-Abortion and/or Pro-Choice support the KILLING and MURDER of babies a.k.a. children. People who are Pro-Abortion, For-Abortion and/or Pro-Choice are Children of the Devil. People who are Pro-Abortion, For-Abortion and/or Pro-Choice are going to Hell and the Lake of Fire.

I obey Free Speech a.k.a. Freedom of Speech (First Amendment / Amendment I / 1st Amendment) and NOT Political Correctness (P.C.). If you don't love Free Speech (First Amendment) then LEAVE the United States of America (U.S.A.) because we DON'T want you here in the United States of America (U.S.A.)! This is a video that I originally made back in 2010 for the two websites called Blip and WebofCinema which are both now SHUT DOWN. Everybody please read everything below.

Planned Parenthood has KILLED and MURDERED millions of babies a.k.a. children. Planned Parenthood has also done Sex-Trafficking, has Sold Aborted Babies' Organs, has done Child Sex Abuse, and has done other Sinful and Criminal acts. Abortion, being Pro-Abortion, being For-Abortion and/or being Pro-Choice is/are Sin(s) and Bad read Exodus 20:13, Matthew 19:18, John 8:44, Galatians 5:21 and Revelation 21:8.

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Fight AGAINST Abortion, Pro-Abortion, For-Abortion, Pro-Choice and fight AGAINST Planned Parenthood by going to the website here https://www.liveaction.org/ to Sign Petitions and more in order to fight AGAINST Abortion.

DON'T mercilessly KILL and MURDER your own baby(ies) by having an Abortion(s) and/or somebody else's baby(ies) by performing an Abortion(s). DON'T mercilessly KILL and MURDER your own child(ren) by having an Abortion(s) and/or somebody else's child(ren) by performing an Abortion(s). What you should do instead is go to the website here http://abolishhumanabortion.com/ for help AGAINST Abortion.

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God Yahweh Almighty the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is LOVE. God Yahweh Almighty the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost DON'T want anybody to have an Abortion(s). God Yahweh Almighty the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost DON'T want anybody to be Pro-Abortion, For-Abortion and/or Pro-Choice.

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*** Supporting Abortion, being Pro-Abortion, supporting Planned Parenthood, being For-Abortion and/or being Pro-Choice, and then VIOLATING us Christians' First Amendment rights is SINFUL and CRIMINAL. DON'T harass us Christians. DON'T do defamation of us Christians' characters. DON'T violate us Christians' Free Speech a.k.a. Freedom of Speech (First Amendment) rights.

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The Lord God Yahweh Jesus Christ Almighty is LOVE. The Lord God Yahweh Jesus Christ Almighty DON'T want anybody to mercilessly KILL and MURDER their own baby(ies) a.k.a. child(ren) by having an Abortion(s) and/or mercilessly KILL and MURDER somebody else's baby(ies) a.k.a. child(ren) by performing an Abortion(s).

Live Action ~ Planned Parenthood EXPOSED;

Repent ALL Pro-Abortion people, For-Abortion people and Pro-Choice people of ALL your Sins, Trespasses, Iniquities, Transgressions, Bad works, the Sin of Pro-Abortion, Sin of For-Abortion and the Sin of Pro-Choice in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God.

Then ALL Pro-Abortion people, For-Abortion people and Pro-Choice people get Baptize in the authority of Jesus Christ/the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Next ALL Pro-Abortion people, For-Abortion people and Pro-Choice people Pray for yourself to receive the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost a.k.a. Spirit of Truth/Comforter (Paraclete / Spirit of God / Ruach HaKodesh) in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God.

Finally Pro-Abortion people, For-Abortion people and Pro-Choice people become Christians by READING, STUDYING and mostly by DOING that which is still to be done in the Holy Bible plus watch Christian videos and Christian movies.

Please ALL Pro-Abortion people, For-Abortion people and Pro-Choice people ask us Christians to teach ALL you Pro-Abortion people, For-Abortion people and Pro-Choice people the Holy Bible.

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