9-17-21 China Issues NUCLEAR ATTACK THREAT Against Australia over new submarine deal

3 years ago

Overnight, the world became staggeringly more dangerous as China publicly warned Australia would be considered nuclear armed if it goes ahead with building nuclear powered (propelled) submarines.
Chinese state media has warned Australia will become a ‘potential target for a nuclear strike’ after it acquires nuclear-powered submarines.

Judge’s Ruling Prevents Abbott From Closing Entry Points Along Southern Border
A ruling from a federal judge on Thursday led Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to abandon his plan to close six entry points on the southern border amid a surge of migrants, the El Paso Times reported.
The U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia blocked President Joe Biden from turning away migrant families with children under 18, citing a health order related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the El Paso Times reported. The order will take effect in 14 days.
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