The Virusless Pandemic || A Message From South Africa This goes DOUBLE for the US!

3 years ago

SHOW US THE VIRUS! If you cannot, then it's ALL A LIE designed to Capture the countries around the world without a shot fired by the scumbag Bill Gates, The United Nations, and the THIEVES of the world banking system!

This virus does NOT exist! The people in America who originally died from this fictitious virus were ALL ELDERLY PEOPLE IN CARE HOMES!

These elderly people were #Murdered for money using a drug called Midazolam. They were literally EXECUTED to give the illusion of mass deaths from the phony "Virus"

Then 5G Weapons Systems were used to affect people's cells in their body, leaving them unable to exchange gases needed to sustain life! Gases such as expelling CO2 and then absorbing OXYGEN!

When in the Hospital these people were given drugs like Remdesivir which killed 54% of ALL PEOPLE WHO TOOK IT in one clinical trial!

In the United States Fauci and the #CDC have made this drug the standard protocol in treating people with the FLU or affected by 5G weapons systems!

This drug caused massive organ failure, especially the kidneys, leaving their bodies unable to rid itself of fluids, so the fluids went to their lungs and drowned them alive! Of course they had to be sedated heavily using drugs like Midazolam so they could not protest!

Their families were kept out of the Hospital Murder factories so they could not interfere as their loved one was MURDERED! Intubating these people who had healthy lungs KILLED THEM!

This is a #Genocide orchestrated by the CDC, the NIH, and the WHO, ALL under the control of China, Bill Gates, The world banks, The IMF

ALL based on a LIE! The virus CANNOT BE SHOWN TO US because it does NOT exist! These crimes were made possible by Congress,
State Governments, and even President Trump!

This was done to CAPTURE control of the entire world by evil madmen and lunatics full of greed and EVIL! The time to STAND UP IS NOW!

NO MORE will we sit quietly as these evil people attempt to kill us all and enslave humanity forever! The 5G MUST GO! The vaccines that are MURDERING PEOPLE must stop NOW!

And it's time to speak with our local sheriffs around the country who has the authority to deputize citizens and works for no evil, complicit, politicians! Your sheriff can CONSTITUTIONALLY DECLARE AN EMERGENCY AND DEPUTIZE THE CITIZENS OF THEIR COUNTY!

And he can move to ARREST these evil #Traitors who have sold you into slavery, bondage, and DEATH!

Right now they are constructing DEATH CAMPS around the world! Will you allow them to send you there? Or will you STAND UP NOW???

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