3 years ago

Funeral director John O'Looney blows the whistle on covid19 SCAM!
The "First Wave" was nothing more than elderly people being MURDERED using a drug called Midazolam which was ordered in mass quantities and evidence supports this this fact.

After that, it's my belief that 5G radiation which prevents your cells from expelling CO2 and absorbing OXYGEN caused many of the cases. This has also been shown to cause hallucinations, violent behavior, and delusions. Once in the Hospital these poor people were given Remdesivir which killed 54% of all people who took it in one study! It causes organ failure, including kidney failure, leaving the body unable to expel fluids, causing the patients to DROWN in their own fluids!

John says in the video that all of those dying were elderly to begin with, and a higher than normal number came from care homes.

Then the vaccine came out, and now he is seeing mass deaths in all age ranges, and these deaths are being called "Covid19" but in fact these are VACCINE INJURY DEATHS!

The "Delta Variant" is nothing more than people MURDERED using the vaccine! At the same time governments around the world are building DEATH CAMPS that they are calling "Quarantine Facilities" for those who refuse to be euthanized with the vaccines.

Above ALL ELSE seek Jesus and ask forgiveness for your sins! Man can do little to you if you are right with The Lord God! And PRAY your local sheriff is an honest one! The Return of Jesus is happening SOON, but it may not be this week! Of course it may be this week too!

It's get up and stop this RIGHT NOW or wait until the van shows up at your house to take you to Auschwitz 2.0! It's #Genocide like we've been saying! DO NOT LOOK FOR TRUMP TO HELP YOU!

It's time for the people of the world to help themselves! Americans should contact their local Sheriff and explain what is going on here. The Sheriff works for THE PEOPLE! It may be a good idea to get some poster board and hit the street corners! We are in an echo chamber on the internet, unable to reach ANYONE except those who already know!

Your Sheriff is an elected official who answers only to THE PEOPLE, and he has the LEGAL AUTHORITY to deputize citizens and to make arrests! And it is time to arrest those behind this, ALL OF THEM!

Or wait to be murdered like the people of Auschwitz.... SHARE NOW!

And go alert your friends and neighbors that you will soon be EXECUTED unless you take action. Like I said, speak to your sheriff, he has the authority to do what needs doing! He can LEGALLY FORM A "MILITIA" of deputized citizens, and it will have ARREST POWERS!

So they can perform a FALSE FLAG and then send in the military on you!

This will be a little more difficult when you are part of a LEGAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FORCE! Hopefully the sheriff can speak to other city/state law enforcement as well and get them onboard

You have awakened to something far worse than the Nazis were capable of! It's a NIGHTMARE and it's a reality! No more time to discuss action, either take action now or pack for camp death

Either way, I'd Seek Jesus and ask for forgiveness of your sins!

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