Biden's Tyrannical Vax Mandate

3 years ago

With those on the left such as Joe Biden, it's never about what it seems on the surface. Biden's tyrannical vax mandate has nothing to do with health, it's all about control. Biden couldn't care less about the health of Americans. If he did he wouldn't have opened the border to a million illegals in his first eight months fraudulently in the White House, and then he sent the illegals around the country to red states, especially Florida where potential Republican Presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis is governor. Biden actually wants to increase the infection rate there. How evil can one person be. So again, Biden's vax mandate is not about health, it's about getting the government back into the business of penalizing citizens for not getting government "health care." The vaccine is government health care. Biden next wants to expand his vax mandate to not just businesses with one hundred or more employees, but all businesses. Then he will no doubt want to expand the mandate for everyone to get health care. It's all about getting the country to government run health care. Such a devious scheme. And he is using this scheme to help ram through the 3.5 trillion scam which will massively raise inflation by design. He and the Democrats know this will trap more onto the welfare plantation, making them wards of the state. Biden and the Dems want to continue to use the China virus to expand government. They will claim that the so-called health care emergency demands the spending of 3.5 trillion. Again, it's about expanding the welfare state. They know that those trapped on welfare will largely vote Democrat. Such evil. The Democrats don't care about the people, they want to control them. They only care about power. Joe Biden and the Democrats are destroying the country to gain power like tyrants
throughout history have done.

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