Social Engineering - The US government-military wants to interface/upload our brain (the Borg)

3 years ago

A Social Engineering Project - The US military created the internet and now the government wants to interface our brain by uploading it to the cloud. DNA profiles used for collection of frequency. Read your thoughts in real time. It will make people an extension of the internet. There is a different DNA frequency like a fingerprint for each one of us. Bio-coding. Convert DNA to ion to internet. When we talk to ourselves in our own head, they will find patterns for each person, the algorithm would be able to read your mind. Communicating through our brain waves. Can hear voices in the head and as they tell others the person will be looked on as mentally ill. Many more applications of the technology. Sounds like Star Trek (the Borg) with the the individual being absorbed into the collective and controlled by an oligarchy. This is done in realtime. VR, controlled hallucinations can be tapped into our brains. It can tap into our emotions anytime to control what we feel from happy, to sad, to anger. It can hack into our own thoughts. It can take away Free Will. Who do we control with the technology? Emotion and behavior manipulation based. Very hard to stop, as it is a way street. Real risk that you will be target all the time. The NWO, microchip is here done remotely by hacking DNA and mind. The technology is so far advanced that it is mind-blowing. Tagged by a bar code (Rockefellers). Covid was the delivery system. Hydrogel or quantum dot, once it is injected it collects in your body and eventually kills the biological person.

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