Craig Kelly (Excerpt) - “Shame On The Lot Of You... History Will Condemn You For Eternity!”

3 years ago

Craig Kelly (Excerpt) - “Shame On The Lot Of You... History Will Condemn You For Eternity!"

Craig Kelly is an Australian politician serving as the member for the Division of Hughes in the Australian House of Representatives since the 2010 federal election. Kelly was a member of the Liberal Party's right-wing faction, before resigning from the party in February 2021 to sit on the crossbench as an independent politician.

August 31, 2021


"The freedoms and the birth rights of Australians have been stolen mostly by unelected bureaucrats and cowardly politicians that are violating human rights and are violating the principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.

"Let's be absolutely clear about this. The New South Wales [leadership], with New South Wales Parliament suspended, are engaging in conduct which is a violation and abuse of human rights. The coercion and the bullying of Australians to undergo any type of medical intervention is a violation of human rights and a violation of the principles of Australia's international human rights obligations.

"Domestic passports are a violation of human rights. And yet we stand here in this Parliament today with medical apartheid being enforced across the nation. Submit or you'll never get your freedoms back. You'll be excluded from society, denied the freedom to travel, denied access to our beaches, denied access to our national parks. This should outrage every single one of us! Also, you'll be prevented from opening your business. We will deny you the freedom to earn a living. You will lose your job. You will lose your family home. Unless you submit to taking a medical intervention.

"This is something that we have fought against. This is something against the Anzac Spirit. What is wrong with you people?! And this from a party in New South Wales that on their website boasts . . . that they believe in the unalienable rights and freedoms of all people. What a fraud! This statement is a fraud upon the elected of Australia, a betrayal of liberal party values, and a betrayal of everything it means to be an Australian . . . Shame on the lot of you. Because when you use threats of inflicting disadvantage, or inflicting predjudice upon Australians because they don't submit to your demands for medical intervention, you are engaging in abuses of human rights. And history will condemn you for eternity; condemn you as violators of human rights. And shame on every member of this house that cowardly hides underneath their desk, that refuses to speak up to defend the freedoms and liberties of Australians."

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