Best & Taylor Intel (9/15/2021): Special Broadcast ENOCH'S FIRE — Head's Up Next 13 Days!

3 years ago

La Palma, Hawaii, Tsunami, Revelation, 9-11, Atonement, Babylon, China, Russia and More…

We are now in a Shmita Year and those years are usually MAJOR CHANGE YEARS, and so here we are with the substantial possibility of a major eruption on the Island of La Palma which COULD trigger a huge tsunami event that could wipe out millions of people, including all those who live along the Atlantic coastal regions and the Gulf Coast as the wave would cross right over Florida and inundate the Gulf Coast regions – along with all major rivers being backed up for miles and flooding inland for miles. Experts are now saying an eruption WILL OCCUR in the next 13 days but could be much sooner. No one knows what will happen, we can only warn everyone that the TIME IS NOW for changes in politics, economics and Earth and Cosmic activity will begin in earnest as we are now in Israel’s 5782nd year and 5782 means WAKE UP and lots more on this special broadcast… —Stewart Best

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