“WATCH Tulsa!!!” | Amanda Grace & Pastor Craig Hagin Break Down Kenneth Hagin's 1963 Prophecy

3 years ago

“WATCH Tulsa!!!” | Amanda Grace & Pastor Craig Hagin Break Down Kenneth Hagin's 1963 Prophecy

Amanda Grace breaks down here September 14th 2020, February 25th 2021 and August 16th 2019 prophecies while Pastor Craig Hagin breaks down his grandfather’s 1963 prophecy.

Watch Amanda Grace - September 14th 2020
Watch Amanda Grace - February 25th 2021
Watch Amanda Grace - August 16th 2019

Watch Pastor Kenneth Hagin’s 1963 Prophecy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LQrYTVM0UA

Rhema Bible College: https://www.rbtc.org/

God Took Kenneth E. Hagin up into the air
For the eyes of many shall see
There came a dark hand up out of the ocean from the east
It became a dark cloud and it filled the whole atmosphere
Oh Lord, what is the meaning of these things?
The darkness of atheistic communism that is sweeping the nation in the minds of leaders in high places
This nation shall not grow more strong...liberties that you have known shall be seized
A blot of ink..spots, all over the map
Communistic inspired hatred amongst races...shall cause turmoil
Men’s hearts are perverse
Is there a remedy?
What shall the answer be?
People shall be deceived about being deceived?
Do we have anything to look forward to?
Remember the text and looked into the spirit realm and saw a ball of fire falling to the earth
When it hit the earth it fell into sparks of fire
An army of men rose up
Their hands were on fire…
Tongues of fire
There is a work that must be done spiritually before the Lord comes back…
For the hand of the lord is upon you...and the work shall progres…
Oh Lord...thank you that I may have a small place.
I shall cause thy tent to be enlarged…
The ministry shall be enlarged.
The prophetic vision shall be restored to the church

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