Judgment At Nuremberg - We All Must Answer For The Roles We Play In Life

3 years ago

Manmade disasters, like the one we are witnessing now with COVID-19, require the support, cooperation and participation of many people. If we ever want to heal ourselves, and our planet, we all need to accept responsibility for the roles we play in enabling events, both large and small, to occur.

Here is a scene from the 1961 film, Judgment at Nuremberg, that illustrates this point. In this scene, a German attorney played by Maximilian Schell, who won an Oscar for Best Actor for his role, gives his closing argument. He reminds us that many, many people were responsible for the rise of Hitler and the corresponding destruction that was unleashed on the world, not just the principle ring leaders who were brought to trial.

Judgment at Nuremberg is a 1961 American epic courtroom drama film directed and produced by Stanley Kramer, written by Abby Mann and starring Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Maximilian Schell, Werner Klemperer, Marlene Dietrich, Judy Garland, William Shatner, and Montgomery Clift.


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