9-15-21 NCAA Golfer Has Severe Adverse Heart Condition Due To COVID Vaccine,

3 years ago

ABC News Affiliate Accidentally Discovers the Truth About COVID Vaccines
The World Tribune has a stunning story about an ABC News reporter’s effort to target the unvaccinated and support the Biden policy to force vaccines. WXYZ in Detriot, an ABC affiliate, asked viewers to share stories of loved ones who died of COVID after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine. This request produced an unexpected truth bomb.

HUGE: Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State Is COVID-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” IVERMECTIN

COVID Whistleblower: Doctors about to QUIT, Pressured to Vax themselves, Pressured to LIE

Project Veritas Whistleblower: Washington Nursing Home Patient Dies After Being Given a ‘Chemical Restraint’ to Coax Her Into Taking Vaccine Against Her Will; Was Allegedly Told Jab Is a “Flu Vaccine” – (VIDEO)

WATCH: NCAA Golfer Has Severe Adverse Heart Condition Due To COVID Vaccine, Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates (VIDEO)
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