Fractions - Finding Common Denominators Using Least Common Multiple (LCM) | CAVEMAN CHANG

3 years ago

Fractions are very helpful to work with but if they have a different denominator, it is hard to work with. Luckily, we can change the fraction so that they have common denominators. When changing a fraction, make sure to multiply the numerator by the same number that you multiply the denominator by. If the fractions have common denominators, we can add fractions, subtract fractions, and compare them.

Practice Problems:
Level 1: 3/4 - 4/9 = 11/36
Level 2: Both fractions are the same. 6/8 is equivalent to 48/64.
Level 3: The improper fraction for 5 2/3 + 6 4/9 is 109/9. The mixed fraction is 12 1/9.

Custom Titles: Simple Video Making

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