3 years ago

After the church is taken out as Christ showed us in John 14:1-3 and in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, (there are many references and examples of raptures in the old and new testament, see Dr. David Reagan's book Rapture? Fact or Fiction?) many false teachers will arise, spreading lies that everyone that disappeared was taken by aliens. This is a lie from Satan to keep the world in a demonic spirit of delusion. They will choose to believe a lie rather than the truth. Many who were told of this day and shared the gospel but before the rapture rejected it, will remember what they heard and hopefully kneel on their knees and surrender their life to Jesus and be saved. The Great Tribulation will occur after the church has been taken out. Once this happens, the restrainer of evil (Holy Spirit) will be gone with the church (the church is not appointed to wrath 1 Thessalonians 1:10) and all Hell on earth with the AntiChrist will take place 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. The Mark of the beast, Revelations 13:10, will come into play. All who do not take the mark, on the hand or forehead, will not be able to buy and sell. We see the preparation right now for this getting people use to being checked on the forehead with the thermometers and also with the new vaccine passports that some countries or US states are demanding in order to go into public places. There are some countries not allowing people to go into markets. This is the beginning folks. This is all preparation for the One World Order. Once the church is gone, all those who come to faith after the rapture and do not get the Satanic marking pledging allegiance to the AntiChrist, they will not be able to buy and sell and will be killed or go into hiding. Those who survive being killed, by going into hiding, and not being found miraculously, scripture says God will make a way for them. The Jews have a special place in scripture they will hide. All those who do survive the Great Tribulation period of 7 years will be Believers and go into the 1000 year period called the millennium period. A joyful wonderful time where Christ , after he defeats Satan and locks him up for a 1000 years, these survivors who endured till the end, will be blessed and have paradise for Jesus and His saints will reign in righteousness, love and peace. People will live much longer scripture says as well and Jesus will put to a stop all the wars, and evils. It will be glorious and it will be for the mortals for a 1000 years. Those who went with God in the rapture are now in a heavenly body as Jesus is and will reign with Him. Praise Jesus! God also, Revelations chapter 6 and on to chapter 18, pours out His wrath on an unbelieving wicked world during this horrible Great Tribulation, that scripture says is worse than any other time in history of the world, and all who refused the one true Savior/Messiah, Jesus Christ and God will again deal with His covenant people the Jews who rejected their Savior. Scripture says those of us of the church age are not appointed to God's wrath. Therefore, we know we are not here during that horrible 7 years. We are taken out as Enoch and Elisha was. Raptured. Snatched out. Brought to God Almighty! Thank you Lord! God will still be ministering to people for salvation in this horrific, worse than ever, time period that will last seven years. A huge war between God and Satan will take place at the end. Most of the earth's population will have been killed. I am leaving a message for my loved ones who did not listen to my warnings and the word of God. I highly suggest you do as well before the rapture, for it is very very near. Many come and deceive people with "the lie" that Jesus is not the way, the truth and the life and that the rapture is a lie. That folks were taken by aliens. All lies. Be saved.

ABCs of salvation. A – admit your a sinner B - believe Jesus died on the Cross to pay the penalty of your sins and rose again, showing God the Father's acceptance of that payment for our sins for scripture is clear, without the shedding of innocent blood there is no forgiveness of sins. There is life in the blood. That is why Jews in the Old testament had to offer innocent spotless lambs etc once a year at the alter by Priests. They were all foreshadows of what Jesus would do. Offer his Life as an innocent lamb slain for all sinners. It was just a temporary masking of sin till Jesus came. Isaiah 53.4-12. C - call upon the name of the Lord in true faith and repentance and be saved. Jesus loves you so much sinner. Today is the say of salvation. Revelations 12:11 says about those who would become the Believers in the Great Tribulation, and many will come to faith, but scripture says this about them. "And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death." If the rapture has already occurred, and you are reading this, and your have come to the faith of Jesus Christ, you are one of the Great Tribulation Saints. Praise Jesus you are saved but life will be very hard for you. Fear not! God will never desert you Saint. Trust in Jesus. Obey Him and He will lead you home to Him. Love not your life to the death! To die for Jesus is an honor. Peace of Christ.

Rapture material that you can purchase to leave for your loved ones who are left behind. They will need this. It will answer all their questions and lead them to Jesus. Peace of Christ my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Soon very soon we are going to see the King OR those of us raptured are seeing Him and worshiping Jesus right now. All Praise to Jesus! Christ our King!

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