Kiwi gets on my hand finally!

3 years ago

We have been given an older parakeet about a year ago now. She is at least 5 years old.

I have been trying to train her not to fear my hand. At the beginning she would fly around the cage as I tried to clean it in fear. She learned to trust my hand and stopped flying in fear all over the cage. She even was calm when I left town for a week and someone else had to reach in to clean her cage.

The next step was to feed her treats from my palm while she sat on her perch. We moved quickly from Millet seed to her just wanting bird food from my hand.

She is now starting to hop onto my palm to eat the food or milliet treat I have.

She takes a bit to finally get on my hand in video, but it is fun to watch her hop around!

The video ends abruptly because my phone stoped recording for an alert😒

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