Florida Parent's Bill Of Rights - How Parents Can Fight Back Against Unlawful Mask Mandates in FL

3 years ago

The following is an example of what to say
Mrs Principal,

You must feel like you are between a rock and a hard place.

Florida Law officially signed into law by Gov Ron DeSantis vs 3 of 5 Volusia County School Board members violating their Oath of Office and violating Florida Law within the first 2 months of it becoming law in Florida.

I'm writing to inform you of Florida Law Section 1014.06 - Parental consent for health care services - Here is Section 1014.06 in easy to read text.

Here is the law:
Section 1014.06 - Parental consent for health care services
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, a health care practitioner, as defined in s. 456.001, or an individual employed by such health care practitioner may not provide or solicit or arrange to provide health care services or prescribe medicinal drugs to a minor child without first obtaining written parental consent.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by law or a court order, a provider, as defined in s. 408.803, may not allow a medical procedure to be performed on a minor child in its facility without first obtaining written parental consent.
(3) This section does not apply to an abortion, which is governed by chapter 390.
(4) This section does not apply to services provided by a clinical laboratory, unless the services are delivered through a direct encounter with the minor at the clinical laboratory facility. For purposes of this subsection, the term "clinical laboratory" has the same meaning as provided in s. 483.803.
(5) A health care practitioner or other person who violates this section is subject to disciplinary action pursuant to s. 408.813 or s. 456.072, as applicable, and commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Fla. Stat. § 1014.06

Ron DeSantis signed this into law June 29, 2021. This is NOT an executive order, nor is it "DeSantis'" law. This is Florida Statute, written and passed by the State Legislature and signed into Law by the Governor.

Take note of the penalties please in 775.083 (d) $1,000, when the conviction is of a misdemeanor of the first degree. or 456.072 (a) For a misdemeanor of the first degree, by a definite term of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year; ... I'm not certain which would apply to you should you compel either of my children to wear a mask without my written consent, but be forewarned I will immediately turn you into the State Attorney General.

I contacted the Volusia County Sheriff to turn in the school board, and according to Deputy James, badge # 8599, Volusia County Sheriff is not going to do anything to the board members. "We're not going to remove anyone from office nor arrest board members doing what everyone across the country is doing". Written complaints are being filed and Notices to Act drafted to be given to the Sheriff office.

After contacting the Florida Attorney General office to make formal complaints against the school board, they said "Volusia county is on our shit list". After speaking with them, I assure you the VC School Board members acting out of line with their duty to protect the rights of those they represent are not long for their positions. Removal of pay, fines, and possible criminal charges are coming.

Since you are the principal, you are faced with a choice:

To enforce a policy by the Volusia County School board members and go against myself and numerous other parents who both agree and are informed of the Parent's Bill of Rights, Governor Ron DeSantis, current Florida Statutes, the Florida Attorney General, and eventually the Volusia County Sheriff once they are properly schooled on the law they are obligated to enforce. I'm not certain what the school board can do to you, but myself and MANY other parents intend on protecting our children from tyranny. $1,000 per offense and up to 1 year in jail. How many students are in Creekside Elementary? I suspect the fines could break you for the rest of your life.

(Note: You'd also be violating both 21 USC 360 bbb... Federal Informed Consent Law and Nuremberg Codes)

Be advised, should you decide to enforce "mandatory" masks, on ANY children, even those not mine, I will report you to the State Attorney General. This applies to teachers and other staff also.
Be advised, a medical exemption is not required under this law, only the tyrannical School Board "proclamation" or "resolution" or whatever it is.
Follow the law, do not enforce an unlawful mask "requirement", and have the support of: myself and countless parents whose rights you are protecting, the Gov, and Florida Law.

A possible blind spot for you to consider. Even if you get the Written Consent of 1 parent, the non-consenting parent could charge/sue you for violating this law. I suggest you get written consent of both parents if you are going to compel children, who have nearly a ZERO percent chance of death after contracting COVID, to wear a mask.

Please advise on how you intend on handling this situation at Cypress Creek Elementary.

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