‘Five for Fighting’ on Superman, Afghanistan, and His New Song

3 years ago

Singer songwriter John Ondrasik or “Five for Fighting," was so upset by the way the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was conducted, it moved him to write a new song.

Blood On My Hands lyric - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b249pjnk08pmipj9cqf3e/Blood-on-My-Hands-Lyric.docx?dl=0&rlkey=e0qteoo2si94jqpqj74b9l7x8

“Blood On My Hands” downloadable lyric video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBp5xVfMrhE

“Blood on My Hands” audio (.Wav) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ukw2xknokt8irzy/Blood%20on%20My%20Hands%20VSO%201.0.wav?dl=0

Blood On My Hands” free download (Mp3) https://soundcloud.com/user-776545898/blood-on-my-hands

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