VACCINE DAY!!! ...and the CHLORINE DIOXIDE protection protocol

3 years ago

Well, it is finally time for me to take the next step with vaccination. This step has almost 0% to do with medical safety and health but I am ok with making it. I have studied the science out in my mind and heart taken my questions to God. I already had covid-19 back in May and recovered with Clo2 within a day and a half. Also, my work is giving out the ultimatums and making life very difficult for those who will not comply. In the end, I am grateful that I have the knowlege and tools of protection. Irronically, the same tool that protected me from covid, is what I use to protect myself from mandated vaccines. CHLORINE DIOXIDE IS A DETOX FROM PATHOGENS AND TOXINS.

It has been several hours sinice my vaccine as I post this. My arm is fine, my body feels fine. I did take a nap after the shot but that could have been because my wife and I went out for mexican food after getting the jab. :)

Clo2 vs Covid = Clo2 wins
Clo2 vs Vaccine = Clo2 wins

Either way, we win. Let God Prevail!!!

Vaccine Protocol with Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO:

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