OOPS! I said it! If Someone doesn't respect life, how can they respect age (of consent)?

3 years ago

A story about a young music teacher in New Haven who completely out of the blue writes me a shocking letter. We met while I was singing on the street and had a pleasant interaction. He decided to not like me, little did I know, even after I so generously offered him to borrow my equipment for 30 minutes. In his letter, he has no respect or regard for my age and position/experience in life, blatantly shreds me for being a middle aged white woman and frames me as a white supremacist. He agrees with media blocking my song of a religious nature and says it is not persecution. He believes social welfare should pay for unrestricted (at any age) sex changes and for abortions. This young man boasted in his about his alternative lifestyle in his letter, which was nowhere near any conversation of music that we shared. He goes on and on, trying to shut me down (even though I had never discussed these social and personal issues we with him), a bully. This is the quality of one teacher in New Haven. My big question is, if he has no regard for life (abortion as birth control) , or even me as an elder, or sexual boundaries, how does he regard age of consent???? His boundaries, personal responsibility, and sexual identity are are confused, framing it as "normal" in a society where we need to not only accept but celebrate, embrace and pay for his own deviance, establishing a new normal. I am Christian and my God does not condone these behaviors. My "wishful thinking" is my actively living out my faith, I have only been pleasant and kind to this young man, but greater is He that is in me than is in the world. It is time to share this attack on me publicly after I've seen a couple of videos of severely liberal, communistic teachers on the internet. Although I have no evidence that this teacher does such things in his music classroom (music forms culture), I question his influence as an indoctrinator when he can jump all over me in an email, dumping all his issues and fears, having only publicly discussed music and enjoyed my kindness? He is a troubled young man leading children...leading them to what and where?

The link I shared with him about Medical RACISM (Genocide) against the Black community using MMR vaccinations:



#OCLM - Our children's lives matter
#FFP - Family Forward Project

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