Special Doe Finds It!

3 years ago

She stuck her nose deep into the rice bran and pulled out the apple core! She knows that it is always in there. This is a special little doe. Several years ago, she was injured and I believe broke her right rear leg. I am not exaggerating when I say that the lower leg was the size of a football. This happened in about May of the year. I didn't think that she would survive and even considered putting her out of her misery. She held the leg up and limped. Toward the end of the summer, it was obvious that her right hip/upper leg had atrophied. During all of that time, she came to the corn to eat every day, sometimes several times a day. Then in about mid September, I caught a video of her putting her hoof on the ground. The swelling had gone down quite a bit. From there, she progressed until by mid winter, she was putting weight on it and walking with a limp. She improved steadily from there. It is obvious in looking at the lower rear right leg that there has been injury to it in the past, as it is larger than the other leg and the legs of other deer, but she gets around without a problem and without a limp. She is still a regular visitor.

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