Bandung Raya Virtual Tour - Road to ISTI 2021 (Part-3)

3 years ago

Road to Indonesia Startup & Tourism Insight 2021
Every Tue - 2021
At 3-5 PM SGT
Ferie Budiansyah (Archipelago Incubator)
Stephanus TW (BISA)
Grace Colim (Moderator)

BISA (Business Indonesia Singapore Association) would like to invite you to our event, ISTI 2021 (Indonesia Startup & Tourism Insight 2021), which will be held virtually on 1-27 Nov 2021.

This event has been present every year since 2015 and BISA has organized a platform for Indonesia Startups to showcase their idea in front of the potential investors in Singapore and Asia.

Before the pandemic, this event was held physically. However, during this pandemic, we are limited to travel, but Indonesia Startup & Tourism Insight 2021 will keep going; we are inviting everyone from Indonesia and Singapore so that we can experience the cultural richness, business opportunities and the cross-cultural interactions of its people.

We held this event virtually online due to the pandemic, from the comfort of your own home. Also, we have decided to add “tourism” as we wanted this event is not limited for startups but also for the public to attend.

ISTI 2021 is an event that aims to help and build connection for everyone to integrate and provide opportunity for startups to grow as well. This year event theme will be “Reinforce Resilience”.

As we can see during the pandemic, majority of people having difficulties in several areas, but mostly financially, which influence their psychological as well. The changes due to this pandemic affects people differently, bringing a unique flood of thoughts, strong emotions and uncertainty. Therefore, resilience as the process of adapting well is very critical. As much as resilience involve “bouncing back” from the difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth.

With joining this event, one will have an opportunity to build connections, increase wellbeing and it gives the sense of purpose, because we always prioritize our relationship with others and always keep in touch.


We will leave our website for you to explore more and please let us know if you have any enquiries.

Salam BISA

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