Alderperson Hartzheim Denied Entry To AASD Board Meeting For Not Wearing Mask

3 years ago

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) along with other Appleton Area School District parents and members of the public were denied entry to the Board of Education meeting unless they put masks on, in spite of their religious/personal beliefs that preclude mask wearing. The District's position is that the meetings are still open to the public because they can make comments via Zoom or email.

Matt Zimmerman: "So, we have our list of speakers. Andrea Klitzke, Stephanie Marshall, Blong Yang"

Woman: "He's not here yet."

Matt Zimmerman: "And Sheri Hartzheim. Okay, so would you guys like to wait out until it's your turn to speak or would you like to wait in our waiting room?"

Sheri Hartzheim: "Either is fine with me."

Matt Zimmerman: "I need to ask any of you who would like to come in at this time, you need to have their mask on in order to be in our premises."

Sheri Hartzheim: "Okay. I do not intend to go in now, but when I go in I intend to not wear a mask."

Matt Zimmerman: "And we will not let you in unless you wear a mask. Per our district policy.

Woman in pink: "Is that a law though? Is there any law stating that you [undecipherable]"

Matt Zimmerman: "[Undecipherable] a policy right now."

Woman in pink: "It's a policy of [undecipherable]."

Andrea Klitzke: [says something about it being a discriminatory policy.]

Matt Zimmerman: "So, you must wear your mask in order to be in a building of the Appleton Area School District."

Sheri Hartzheim: "So, if I go in now I cannot go in unless I wear a mask? And if I wait to speak, when I'm ready to speak I will be precluded from going in without a mask on?"

Matt Zimmerman: "Unless you wear a mask"

A woman's voice: "Eventhough you're socially distanced."

Sheri Hartzheim: "Eventhough I'm signed up to speak"

Matt Zimmerman: "Correct. There are accomodations. I mean there was something that said we need 24 hours for accomodations. To let us know 24 hours ahead of time. We could then talk about it and work something out. Certainly you have a virtual option to speak, if you'd like, but in order to be on our property..."

Sheri Hartzheim: "What about parents who cannot speak virutally and who have mask exemptions? Personal mask exemptions."

Matt Zimmerman: "Those are times where if they contact..."

Sheri Hartzheim: "I did not receive any notification..."

Matt Zimmerman: "I believe it's right on the Board Documents in the agenda. So again, if you wish to speak you are welcome to speak, but you need to wear a mask."

Woman: "Isn't it a violation of open meetings?"

Other woman: "It is."

Matt Zimmerman: "Alright. So, Andrea, would you like to come in?"

Andrea Klitzke: "Yes."

Matt Zimmerman: "Are you gonna wear a mask?"

Andrea Klitzke: "No."

Matt Zimmerman: "Well, you can't come in."

Andrea: "Hmm. That was interesting."

Woman: "You're denying public comment?"

Matt Zimmerman: "As I assumed that you were going to wear a mask."

Woman: "Are you denying public comment?"

Man: "You're denying public comment."

Matt Zimmerman: "We're not denying public comment. You are..."

[Crowd disagrees]

Matt Zimmerman: "She is allowed to come in with wearing a mask."

Woman: "That's a denial."

Reporter: What's your name?

Matt Zimmerman: "Matt Zimmerman."

Reporter: "Thank you."

Matt Zimmerman: "You're welcome."

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