Straight Shooting News w/ Bandana Ed - 9-11 Timeline - Courage vs Tyranny

3 years ago

Straight Shooting News 9 12 2021 911 Courage and Tyranny
9 11 2001, a day that changed the human race and brought us to where we are today. No matter what anyone believes actually took place that sad day, we witnessed the best of the human race and the worst.
Review what evolved since then.
Congress declared the “War on Terror”
Some of the cost 20 years later:
the UnPatriot Act - only two members in congress opposed - Democrat Dennis Kucinich, and Republican Ron Paul, cautioning we were surrendering far too much liberties for a false sense of security.
COVID exposed it all.
Anyone who objected to these PATRIOT ACT new safety protocols of searches and scans would no longer be able to fly or be granted access to certain buildings.
20 years later people who object to wearing masks on a flight or on public transportation. Surveillance everywhere. Pre 9 11 most Americans believed in privacy in their own homes. Cable companies and internet providers now download everything you do daily.
Abbreviated timeline of what occurred right before 9 11 2001 and immediately following.
2000 - unholy alliance was formed in the field of preventive medicine. Fauci of the HIV/AIDS research, Bill Gates, claimed intentions to vaccinate the world to free the world of disease.
Joining them were some of the world’s wealthiest philanthropists like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
2001 Simulation “Dark Winter” a biological weapons attack—deadly smallpox.

2002 - SARS breaks out in November.

2003 - AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) was created, a $15 billion, five-year plan to combat AIDS.

2003 - bio lab in Wuhan was modernized into a world-class virology lab.

2004 - 2005 - H1N1 Swine Flu breaks out.

2005 - “Atlantic Storm”, another simulated event of a smallpox pandemic.

2005 - the WHO announced the “3 by 5” initiative to bring HIV treatment to 3 million through vaccinations.

2007 - Gates Foundation announces trials of AIDS vaccinations were promising, presented for TRIALS ON HUMANS!

Financial crisis of 2007-2008 was years in the making.

Last week Biden mandated vaccines on the Military, Front Line Workers, Youth over 12 years of age, and soon approval for those under 12.
Biden Patience Wearing Thin:
Expect the courts to be overwhelmed with challenges …
USPS is exempt!
2009 –Biden lightens regulations on biological research labs.
H1N1 Swine Flu again breaks out with similar symptoms to H5N1 Bird Flu.
2009, Dr. Judy Mikovits exposed Retro Viruses were in vaccines.

2010 - Research connected contamination in labs to discredit her.

2011 - Mikovits forced to retract findings.

Is there a connection between the Bush Klan, Fauci, Gates, WEF, and China’s Wuhan Lab?

Finish the timeline:
2012 - MERS
2013 - PRISM Program: data tool to collect all social media and electronic communications.

2013 - Smith Mundt Modernization Act, propaganda legal to use against USA citizenry.

2013 - Edward Snowden leaked NSA documents on govt surveillance.

2013 and 2014 - Ebola first patient.

2015 - US tightens regulations on bio labs, moratorium on certain research.

2016 - bat-related coronavirus outbreak on Chinese pig farms.

2016 - control of DNS was transferred ICANN. Critics of the transfer emphasized First Amendment Rights, while advocates for ICANN called their oppositions’ fears “uninformed.” Courts denied lawsuits.

Do the actions of the courts sound familiar to today?

2016 - ZIKA virus.

2017 - CDC publishes A New Bat-HKU2–like Coronavirus in Swine.

2017 –over decade of research from drills conduct titled,” What is the value of health emergency preparedness exercises?
2020 – another report, “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028.”
Playbook for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Was the planned epidemic rushed into action in an attempt to get President Trump out of office?
2018 - a drill by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security proposed a worldwide coronavirus outbreak with no vaccine.

2019 - NIH releases Investigations of Foreign Influence at US Grantee Institutions.

Did the investigation get too close for comfort? How much did the different branches of government really know about what the other was really doing?

The world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, amounting to approximately 200 events annually.

2020 A lab in Mass. forced to suspend testing.

Taxpayers have billions or trillions for our Freedom and Liberty to be stripped away. What else has the government, military brass, CIA, and other Alphabet Agencies been doing behind our backs?

Lara Logan finish explaining … new technology as result of 911.
Paris protests:
Cape Town:

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