BIO-WEAPON MILITARY Launch in New Zealand by Gestapo Police Rothcschilds-CROWN-Ardern Government

3 years ago

This Whistle Blowers news Report is also from the 28 MAORI BATTALION MAORI Military Regime Grand daughter, Great Great Grand Daughter of FIRST MAORI KING Tawhiao Potatau TeWhero TeWhero, Researcher Of Investigative Studies. I am DIRECTLY reporting to you regarding New Zealand being under attack by the ROTHSCHILDS-CROWN Adolf Hitler Nuremberg LEGAL CODE Gates Google App managed by their NAZI Gestapo Police partners with MEDICAL MILITARY STAFF stealth workforce contracts to MURDER A SECTION OF NEW ZEALANDS POPULATION. Murdering people ALONE while they DRIVE the Roads, Murdering people ALONE while they shop at Supermarkets, MURDERING PEOPLE ALONE in their homes or Retirement villages, MURDERING PEOPLE that are ALONE AND HOMELESS by government warlords orders. This is a POISONING PROGRAM Bioweapon military launch STAMPING DEATH CERTIFICATES with COVID19. PEOPLE NEED TO GET TOGETHER IN GROUPS.....We need to OPEN A MAORI BATTALION MILITARY SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE and serve these criminals notices to attend Court Hearings to Justify the Wellington & Aucklands Orders and correct New Zealands Affairs. Other evidence - the Real Threat to this corroded cartel pyramid society is Alternate Media, Alternate Money Currency Trading, Alternate Investigative Researchers to bring resolutions to navigate communities out from colonial politicians police draco tyranny.
USA Investigative Journalist Whitney Web valuable updates govt corruption & bitcoin Did you know cyber intelligence security crims are inside commercial banks?

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