Sept. 11, 2021, SouthPort, NC, 3691

3 years ago

Good Sunday evening, I’m still reporting on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

So, Beth and I decided to take a few days off since I wouldn’t be posting on YouTube until Sept. 24 again. So we wanted to go to the beach so I could wade in the seawater and soak up some of those precious micronutrients that, in the past, have helped me get over a flu that inevitably ends up in my lower respiratory tract.

We just kind of spun the dial and decided on SouthPort, NC, mainly because I’ve always wanted to go see Bald Head Island, a large barrier island that sits on the elbow of North Carolina and just off its shores is Frying Pan Shoals the spot legendary for shipwrecks over the centuries.

You have to take the ferry out from Southport to Bald Head, because there are no bridges and no cars allowed on the island though it is filled with multi-million dollar homes.

A kind ferry passenger took this picture of Beth and I on the Ferry.

Once we got out there, we rented an expensive golf cart for the day to drive around and see it all. Even then, it only took a couple of hours for my COVID to kick in, and so we headed back for the ferry.

Back on the mainland, we found a little pub with two tables outside to grab a hamburger for me, and a shrimp salad for Beth. The folks at the other table lived there and suggested we drive down the street to the water, so we did, and was I so glad we took that suggestion.

What we found was a nearly-lost part of Americana – a bunch of patriotic folks our age with their dogs, just standing around visiting on a Saturday night at the waters edge, gathered around the town flagpole waiting for the 20 annual commemoration of the 9/11 attacks.

I’ll let the pictures do the talking from here on.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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