Point 12 Public Health Order 8.27.2021

3 years ago

Hello my name is Maggie Lacy I’m a Register Nurse.  As a nurse I disagree with the statement that universal use of mask in schools is safe, essential, or effective.

There is clinical evidence that mask cause children more harm than good. 
What should be addressed with mask wearing is MASK-INDUCED EXHAUSTION SYNDROME (MIES). A study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, published April 20, 2021 did a comprehensive investigation of the adverse health effects masks can cause. A total of 65 scientific papers presented clear evidences of psychological and physical deterioration as well as multiple symptoms of Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome.

Out of the 65 scientific studies referenced  over 67% of the time O2 levels dropped, there was a rise in CO2, induced headaches, respiratory impairment and temperature rise. In every study there was moisture and temperature level rise under the mask. Not to mention an increase in heart rate, drowsiness, skin irritation, Rhinitis, bacterial contamination, fungal contamination, and viral contamination.  Most concerning being the long term consequences of neurological damage. 

In any case, the MASK-INDUCED EXHAUSTION SYNDROME triggered by masks contrast with the WHO definition of health:  "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

In addition to protecting the health of our children the public health department should base their actions on the guiding principles of the 1948 Geneva Declaration revised in 2017.  According to this, the public health department is tasked with putting the health and dignity of patients/children first and, even under threat, not to use medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties.  Within the framework of these findings, it's important to consider evidence-based medicine and ethical guidelines vs the assumption-led claim to a general effectivness of the mask mandate.    Children are the most vulnerable group that would face the longest and most profound consequences of a this dangerous mask mandate.


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