Point 11B Public Health Order 8.27.2021

3 years ago

Ineffectiveness of Vaccines and dangers of the experimental MRNA injection.

The vaccine being promoted as safe and effective is considered “Gene Therapy” and was only given Experimental Use Authorization. The recent approval was a sleight of hand, meant to deceive, the EAU was simply extended. EAU is only given if there is no other therapeutic available. Which there are, Ivermectin, HydroxyChloroquine and several others. These have been censored and suppressed by the government, FDA and media. The Emergency use does not make the vaccine safe and effective for humans. This simply means the government and the FDA are using humans as their clinical test trial without their consent or knowledge.

When participating in a clinical trial the participants must be given informed consent. People are not being educated r/g the truth of this experimental trial.  Drug makers clearly state the clinical trials will not be complete until 2023. If clinical trials are ongoing, who are the test subjects? Why is this experimental injection being given to the masses, if the trial will not be complete for 3 years? This action by our government officials and the FDA is in violation of the Nuremberg code. I quote number 1 of the Nuremberg code:  The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential. This means the person should be able to exercise free power of choice without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion. Clearly, no one can mandate this experimental injection. It can only be given with consent and full disclosure of ingredients and side effects. Note the ivermectin insert with its list of ingredients and possible side effects, compared to this insert of the Moderna vaccine. It is intentionally left blank. As a nurse I was instructed to “DO NO HARM” I was also responsible to have knowledge of the drug I am administering and anticipate possible side effects. How is this possible if the ingredients of the drug we are administering are unknown?  

Nuremberg Code Number 2 states: The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society unprocurable by other means or method of study. It is well-known that there are other means to mitigate and cure this virus., I have previously mentioned two effective interventions and there are several more. But first and foremost is the human immune system. A strong immune system is the best line of defense for much of the population. You cannot inject health. Preventative measures to strengthen our God given immune system is available to all.

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