Please! Don't Feed The Dragons

3 years ago

The CCP locked down all travel within China and allowed people to travel outside when the virus got loose. The letter signed by 27 doctors and virologists claiming the source wasn't the Wuhan was signed by 26 people who had ties to that lab. Keep in mind that the Chinese people are also victims of the CCP. Win them over with kindness and caution. Do not allow anybody to invest your money in anything Chinese. They are going to fail big.

This site features an app for Identifying Chinese made products on Amazon and eventually other places as well. They also have a buy American store in there too.

This site offers a way to identify products made in China so you can avoid. They also have an app that allows you to id and remove Chinese apps.

This is a link to a duckduckgo search for additional sites and apps as they arise.

There's a load of BS out there saying Amazon will require country of origin be out in front. That was supposed to be as of Aug 22 I checked on September 12 that's today and found that a product I bought a good while back is from Guangdong Province and is NOT identified as a Chinese product. So get the apps above!

This is the link for Serpentza on youtube. He's married to a Chinese national and can tell you a lot about China. Study them learn as much as you can.

This is the link to Laowhy86 channel. Like Serpentza he's married to a Chinese girl and can also teach you a lot about China.

China basically declares war on us.

Here is a worldwide call to boycott China.

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