Healing a person vs healing the symptoms (9-12-21)

3 years ago

There are some symptoms you want to focus on such as a broken leg, sleep apnea, etc, and then there are times you want to focus on healing the person rather than get distracted by the symptoms.

Kim Knight: https://www.kimknighthealth.com/tag/cfs/
12-Step Programs For Sex Addiction, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=36642
Bringing Souls Out Of Hiding, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=130933
The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=130914
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The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=130903
The Road to Recovery, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=130767

https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=141932, https://www.amazon.com/WASPS-Splendors-Miseries-American-Aristocracy/dp/1643137069/

"What distinguished the WASP neurasthenic was his (or her) consciousness of unused powers in the soul that he (or she) sought to discharge in civic and creative activity. You see it most clearly in Henry Adams, who adopted the pose of a neurasthenic weakling oppressed by his New England heritage, looking on life rather than living it, and doomed to fail in an America that had little use for the patrician’s theory of virtue. The pose was ironic—the man who wrote The Education of Henry Adams was not in any ordinary sense a failure: but it enabled Adams to explain why the best and brightest of his generation so often fell into neurotic despair. Neurasthenia, he maintained, was the natural response of gifted natures to an environment unsympathetic to their gifts. It was the inevitable reaction of those who, resisting the fragmentary part-lives on offer in the Gilded Age marketplace, sought to do justice to the whole of their nature in a land where the two great perfectionist experiments (New England Puritanism and Yankee commercial democracy) were culturally inadequate precisely because they were founded on too narrow a conception of human flourishing.
Neurasthenia was hell. But Adams learned from Dante that hell was good, a thing, indeed, instituted by divine love, ’l primo amore . For in deserving cases the path through la città dolente , the suffering underworld city, led, if not to sanity and salvation, at any rate to small victories over hellishness. This was the tradition of productive lunacy, the belief that you can’t attain the Jerusalem of your heart’s desire without first submitting to a Babylonian captivity. In writing the life of his dead friend George Cabot Lodge, Adams spoke of the young man’s “philosophic depression,” the dejection one feels when one’s powers find no release in joyful activity and one’s soul is condemned to feed upon itself. But the lassitudes of neurasthenia, exempting the sufferer from the demands of the marketplace, could also, Adams suggested, buy one time—to plot a comeback, and obtain one’s revenge on those who doubted one’s virtue."

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