The Elephant Power Animal

3 years ago

Elephants are the world’s largest land animals. The African elephant stands up to 10’ tall and can weigh up to 14,000 pounds. They are vegetarian, eating leaves, twigs, fruit, bark, grass, and roots. The elephant is highly recognized and respected for its bravery and enormous strength. They have extraordinary abilities to communicate long distances by sound and smell. Elephants occupy forests, savannahs, deserts, marshes, and lake shores, in elevations from sea level to the mountains. Elephants want to be informed and once they set their mind on something, nothing can stop them from attaining it. Incredibly, the elephant remembers everything from their past and knows who to trust.

Confident and persistent, elephants are born leaders. They know how to plow through difficulties. Many cultures honor them for their qualities of cooperation, endurance, and long life. They are extremely social and lend their enormous power to whoever needs it. Elephants are very loyal and devoted to their family and friends. Dedicated to all, the elephant is tough when protecting others and tender when nurturing them. In fact, they may be the greatest example of empathy and compassion in the animal kingdom. Elephants have always been featured nobly in art, religion, literature, and folklore.

A gentle giant, the elephant has brains as well as brawn. They are calm, determined, and good at starting projects and pushing through blockages. Connecting with elephant energy provides a strong and confident feeling. Everyone can benefit by making a relationship with their power animal. To learn more about their valuable assistance.

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