BREAKING: China & Taliban Publicly Mock U.S on Sept.11th. Is this some kind of ominous precursor?

3 years ago

BREAKING: China & Taliban Publicly Mock U.S. on Sept.11th.Is this a sobering warning of some sort of massive kinetic to follow up their COVID bio terror bomb? How dare a major world power mock America in her grief. How hurtful to the tens of thousands of family & friends still healing from their incalculable losses?

But there is a more sinister purpose here than simply digging the US. Could such arrogance be signaling a major impending attack on our homeland? It appears that the CCP Marxists in the WH & at the highest levels of DOD & Intel communities (long since purged of Constitutionalist, conservative value patriots by Beijing Biden.

Why hasn't our woke, CRT Military upped our DEFCON status? Why hasn't the military industrialist, globalist controlled fake generals Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley (Trump's hire) alarmed by this? They seem to have the same dispassionate, treasonous attitude that they took in their intentionally DISASTEROUS pull out of Afghanistan. Not since Adolf Hitler has any formal government gone out of its way to insult & denigrate a rival nation state such as what the CCP is doing.
Through weak leadership in the White House & Pentagon, could this have caused the CCP to be over confident in their capabilities to defeat the Untied States in an all out war? We are now on the 3rd consecutive weakly led Administration in regards to Red China. As Winston Churchill once said, "Weak leaders and appeasers invite attack,"

God bless the grieving survivors, family & friends of the innocent victims of the barbaric September 11th attack. Our prayers and hearts are with you! How dare our dark adversaries scoff at and mock America in her hour of mourning! Beijing & XI did the same to India recently when they suffered so many casualties due to the Fauci-Gates-CCP variant this past spring. "India is sending its citizens to heaven while we are sending out comrades to Mars! Ha Ha." These communist & Islamic extremists are demon possessed. The only thing under heaven they will ever understand is economic and military strength and power.


InspoNews has no bias against Trump. We like him. I myself will most probably vote for him in 2024 if he's on the ticket. But we are NOT a Trump cult idolator or a "see no evil" shill channel. All public servants under Heaven are subject to the most ruthless scrutiny by WE THE PEOPLE. We lauded Trump's achievements at InspoNews for 5 years. Now it's time to evaluate and to be painfully HONEST about his errors.

So occasionally We will CALL HIM out on his lies & hypocrisie. It genuinely concerns me that so many can't bear any constructive criticism of the man. TIf everyone is a shill for any fallen sinner than all of us are subject to fall off a clift with him. God wants us to embrace truth. Trump needs to up his game substantially if the Lord grants him a second term. Kings need Elijah's & Nathans. David listened to the Lords prophet, Ahab did not. Ahab only wanted to hear "good things" said about him but David finally embraced the doctrine of true repentance and had a Psalm 51 experience. To date, sadly Trump still does NOT believe in the scriptural doctrine of repentance and thus the LORD will give over to blindness & lack of foresight & discernment any such person who lacks genuine humility. We love former President Trump and will continue to pray for him to have a Damascus Road - a burning bush before God. He's got to admit when he is wrong and ask his base to forgive him for breaking essential campaign promises. That would be a great start to recapture most everyone's support. But so far we have not seen that - only the blame game - "they stole. rigged the election, look at how bad Biden is, it was my DOJ or Nancy Pelosi etc." Truman said "the buck stops here."
That's all we desire to see. A President becoming a full blown Christian statesman such as Daniel or a George Washington. We don't want him to become a prideful, arrogant, self assured Nebuchadnezzar Daniel Chapter 5. "Pride goeth before a fall." Hebrews 5:14 1Cor. 2:15
Onward America. Pray that we elect stronger leaders to our nations highest offices and that brave, patriotic generals & brass fill the ranks of our military's branches once again.
Pray. Be humble and vigilant America, Love the Lord while you still have opportunity if by chance HE might pour out His divine favor, prosperity & liberty on this fair land once again.

Our prayers are with our hostage citizens & our allies and friends.

God's blessings to all from the Good Shepherd News Channel.

Ephesians 3:20-21

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