12/02/2021 cont

3 years ago

i am sorry about the sound quality, my voice, breathin' that type, i beg your Mercy

Please remember, Love is all that really matters

Explanation Q


isaiah 9 : 14
jeremiah 16 : 6

Ezekial 20 : 38
Romans 11 : 26
Zechariah 12 : 7


New Jerusalem, not me, i will be destroyed


He desires Merci not sacrifice


Revealation 12 : 14
Book Dan, time


i am as guilty of these things as the next person, dont feel i deserve destruction, but fear the truth will not be believed and honestly have little faith left that i even know the truth anymore

Love doesnt win, or maybe that does but i am not that :)

Apparently the return of the Messiah was too messy so he turned a Page

Did my best but my best was not good enough, my apologies, i am not perfect. i am sorry

How many days since trumps Election ? find that in prophecy

tomorrow is the day in Jeremiah where my tail, holdeth, branches are cut off

My name is Nancy Maree West on

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