Portuguese judge confronts the Nazi Police who threaten to charge the population!

3 years ago

Portuguese judge Rui Fonseca confront intervention police who threatened to charge the unmasked population. This judge was banned from exercising his
profession in court by the corrupt Cabal judges. This great man Judge Fonseca says the DGS-
General health directorate and the government are order illegal confinement laws and obligatory masks that go against the Portuguese constitution. Only
the courts have the right to order such laws and if the country is in a state of emergency. He said he was going to fight these globalists to the death. Great
man, Great soul!
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Points to win this war:
Never give up, Never lose faith in God, Spread the Truth, keep moral values ​​intact about what's right and what's wrong, Think for yourself, Respect the Human Life, Spread Love and compassion, Dont hate anyone, Dont arm anyone, Never take The Covid Vaccine/mRNA vaccine, Dont sell your soul for anything, Never give up Freedom, Dont atack anyone but defend yourself, "Fight" until the End. In the end, dead or alive we win because our Soul its imortal and God its our side!

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