The Unusual Power Animals

3 years ago

he more unusual the power animal, the more remarkable their gifts. You have to wake up pretty early in the morning to do better than these animals. They don’t say much but they communicate a lot by their actions. For example, the bee works continuously and does their job every day. In fact, the bee’s work is never done. The ant is very industrious. It is an adaptable, hard worker. The humble ant can carry out any task. The dragonfly is very fast and energetic. It has a sharp intuition and intellect and always knows what to do next. The centipede has excellent agility and flexibility. It is well-coordinated and connected to Mother Earth. The praying mantis is balanced and graceful. It uses thoughtful consideration before it makes a move. Ladybugs are fearless messengers. They seem to come out of nowhere and are a universal sign of good luck.The snail moves at a slow and steady pace. It is calm, sensitive and likes to meditate on big ideas. Spiders can weave just about anything. They are both soft and strong. The creative spider may be small but it is very clever.

No matter what the power animal, they all have amazing talents. Whatever they are doing their message is clear; be yourself and share your gifts with others. They show us how to live a patient, unselfish, and fearless life.

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