Vaccine Secrets: COVID CRISIS - Episode 1 - Dispelling the Myths

3 years ago

Vaccine Secrets: COVID CRISIS - Episode 1 - Dispelling the Myths

Curated from Vaccine Secrets Web Site:

• Why are unapproved experimental vaccines being pushed on us?
• What’s really in the COVID-19 injections? Why are they unlike any other vaccines? And how do they actually work? Dr. Larry Palevsky reveals the 5 crucial points why they’re not vaccines — as taught in medical schools.
• Top doctors explain how messenger RNA can change the expression of your genes — permanently.
• How ingredients in the COVID shot can trigger a cytokine storm, cause inflammation in the brain and spinal cord, and result in autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Guillain Barre

Partial Transcript:
So covid-19
really had nothing to do
with an infectious transmissible
virus that was transmitted
from human to human.
It's not a human virus.
It's a monkey virus.
So what is the spike protein?
Well, the spike protein
of and they call it the spike
now in coronaviruses,
but in retroviruses
it's called the envelope.
So it's the part of the virus
that is sitting upside the cell.
They use like a mushroom to show
you the HIV spike
So we knew from the sequences that
despite protein, had
sequences of HIV
one 20 and the trans
membrane forty one protein.
It also has the
sequences that encode
a retrovirus envelope, a gamma
retrovirus envelope that
expresses a protein called
Cincinnatian or Sensata.
And some say, well, since itinerants
and sitin the words
and citya means fuzing
of cells by viral envelopes.
And so they fuze cells
together and our God
given sensitive gene
is is it. Expressed during certain
phases of the Manchester
cycle, and it's that protein's
and Setton that is responsible
for the embryo implanting
into the uterus.
And so when it turns off, it's like
Velcro and the baby's born.
And so every animal has
every mammal has a sensitive
gene. So in that spike
protein, now you've got HIV
and below you've got since SITIN
and you've got the SARS
E two receptor binding
So you've got the disease
causing parts,
the envelope alone.
And we've known this since 1980.
We've known this since the day I
stepped into research in
1980 at National Cancer
Institute that the spike proteins
or the envelope protein
alone of these viruses
cause the disease.
So what have we done in the vaccine?
But taken the the the toxin,
the part of the virus
of three different viruses, HIV,
X, MRV, the Zino Tropica,
murine leukemia, that's contagious
cancer causing viruses
that that contaminated
many of the vaccines that we
isolated with people
from people with autism in
myalgic encephalomyelitis
or chronic fatigue syndrome.
So and then SARS,
Severe Acute Respiratory
So you've taken three of the most
deadly viruses and
all manmade
or man accelerated, man evolved.
And then you put you packaged
them, if you will, in
a synthetic envelope.
So normally it's the virus
buds and packages
itself surrounds itself
with a lipid nanoparticle
Your cell membranes are made of fat
to protect nucleic acids.
So now you've packaged it that
way and you've made a synthetic
virus that infects all
cells of the body.
So the vaccine is not a vaccine
at all. It's a gene therapy,
no matter which kind it is.
It's a gene therapy that
Injia infects
is transected across
the membrane because you don't have
to infect it, have an infectious
transmissible virus if you've
injected it.
And that's exactly what they did.
They injected.
So this so-called vaccine
is actually turns every
one of your cells potentially
into manufacturing plant
of three of the most deadly
viruses of my
entire 40 year career.
Well, certainly the polyethylene
So normally those lipid
violators, those
in in our in our cells,
we will produce what we call
That is, we will package
RNA, messenger
RNA, that that is regulatory
for the gene expression in other
cells. So cells are immune cells
communicate with each
other by by
what what are called exosomes
that that protect and package
the the
the RNA, the message
that has to be translated in
the cell into the functions
of the cells.
So now you've you've made
and I know we heard in the beginning
and you know that we used to have to
freeze these vaccines
at minus 70.
Because RNA in the blood
is a danger signal in your immune
system will break it down really
quickly as well as these lipid
bilayer as they break apart very
quickly. They're very labile, if
you will.
So now you've got polyethylene
glycol, which is a major ingredient
of antifreeze, and
70 percent of
America of the world really
will have an allergic reaction
to polyethylene glycol
because it's in a lot of products.
It's in a lot of make up products
and other things where they're
stabilized, they're made more
stable so that you don't
have to freeze them because they're
not going to break apart
at your body's temperature of ninety
eight point six.
So that's perhaps the deadliest
thing because that stabilizes
that particle, if you will, that
synthetic virus so
that it can't be broken down the way
your body naturally would.
And then the second thing is just to
express to have
the regulatory RNA,
the message of these
three synthetic annual
animal viruses that can
be expressed in in
in your cells.
And they will change the regulation,
the expression of your genes.

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