常勝將軍約書亞 Joshua: General With A winning Streak

3 years ago

摩西的傳人約書亞帶領以色列人一路打進迦南美地,鏖戰至少十二場戰爭,屢戰皆勝,唯獨在艾城吃了敗仗。他為何戰敗?又如何自我調整,事後屢戰皆捷?我們可以學得甚麼樣的人生功課?章台生博士/牧師在證道中分析。Joshua, Moses' heir to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, fought at least 12 battles to conquer Canaan, winning all of them except one. He started the journey with a handsome victory at Jericho, but lost the next one at Ai. He learned his lessons and achieved the final goal ultimately.
Why did he lose at Ai? How he corrected himself to win the ensuing battles? What can we learn from his lessons? In his native Mandarin Chinese, Rev. Dr. Tyson Chang delivered a sermon to help us answer these questions.

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