Cute Owl With Natural #shorts

3 years ago

cute owl with natural #shorts

Cutline writing continues to plague the Cute Owl with natural . Example: Sodexo received an F rating and another Doane student has a bad experience with the food at Doane again, with her chicken raw after Sodexo has already served raw chicken earlier this year, plus chewed gum in a dish of rice. That's 40 words and I don't know WTF it means. The lede in the MindExpo story is in the fifth graf — the research about migrant community members. Look, the whole reason for MindExpo is to expose people to student research so why not lede with a cool research project, then in the fifth or sixth graf, give people the nut graf — the point of the story, the reason for writing it. It's not about this one person, but about all students doing research.

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