9/11 Rockefeller Revelation of the Method

3 years ago

The events of 9/11 2001 ushered in a new era, propping up the Fiat petrodollar through middle east blood for oil wars and getting control of people through the patriot Act, the theft of $240 billion worth of Brady Bonds etc.
Symbology to forewarn is part of the cultish sacrificial religion of the global controlling Sabbatean Frankists. It taunts those who are aware,yet powerless and it warns others, who are incapable of deciphering, in order to reduce Divine bad karma.

9/11 videos in this channel see below:


The construction and demolition of the WTC was a symbolic, ritualistic event.


This below expands on this video:


Bush and Upside down My Pet Goat as kids read Plane Hit Kite Steel....


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