THE DEMONIC WORLD Part 3: Restoring The Earth

3 years ago

The creation narrative of the earth was shared with Adam but Jesus did not provide details as to what had taken place in eternity past. Humanity was created to prove God was righteous and Adam and Eve were purposely kept in the dark about the angelic insurrection and the refurbishment of the earth.

Jesus told Adam that the earth had been damaged to the point that it was without form, there was no light, and the surface was covered with water. The only positive thing was the Holy Spirit hovering over the oceans. Adam was not told how this destruction took place or who the Holy Spirit was so he could face the Devil’s temptation without bias.

Further information was later revealed to the prophets and Jesus told Daniel that knowledge would increase in the latter times. It is an honor and privilege for the human race to be specifically created to show the spirit world that our Creator is not malevolent, but a God of love, kindness, and righteousness.
Sermon Outline:

JUNE 7, 2020 RLJ-1759

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