Learning About Power Animals

3 years ago

We are always learning from animals. In fact, animals are such a part of our life that there are dozens of expressions to describe their nature. We can be wise as an owl, slippery as an eel, strong as an ox, run like a deer, swim like a fish, or quiet as a mouse. There are dozens of animal clichés, metaphors & sayings teaching us simple but profound lessons about the nature of animals. Here are a few other examples:

1. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
2. Ants in one’s pants
3. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
4. As the crow flies
5. At a snail’s pace
6. Blind as a bat
7. Drunk as a skunk
8. Eat crow
9. Eat like a horse
10. Eats like a bird
11. Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
12. Birds of a feather flock together
13. Bird’s eye view
14. The black sheep of the family
15. Fish out of water
16. Feather in one’s cap
17. Stubborn as a mule
18. Bull in a china shop
19. Fly the coop
20. Busy as a bee
21. Eager beaver
22. Free as a bird
23. Go hog wild
24. That’s for the birds
25. Opening a can of worms
26. A good egg
27. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar
28. The cat’s meow
29. No horse sense
30. Hold your horses
31. More fun than a barrel of monkeys
32. Cold fish
33. Quit cold turkey
34. Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
35. Swims like a fish
36. Kill two birds with one stone
37. Crying crocodile tears
38. Cry wolf
39. A lame duck
40. A dark horse
41. A dead duck
42. Let the cat out of the bag
43. Like a bat out of hell
44. Wise as an owl
45. Like a chicken with its head cut off
46. Like shooting fish in a barrel
47. Like water off a duck’s back
48. The lion’s share
49. Don’t change horse in mid-stream
50. A little bird told me
51. A wild goose chase
52. Hungry as a bear
53. Are you a man or a mouse?
54. Wolf in sheep’s clothing
55. Quit the monkey business
56. Monkey see, monkey do
57. Throw a monkey wrench into the works
58. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
59. More fun than a barrel of monkeys
60. More than one way to skin a cat
61. To be on one’s high horse
62. Play cat and mouse
63. Play possum
64. Poor as a church mouse
65. Proud as a peacock
66. Pull a rabbit out of a hat
67. Puppy love
68. Quiet as a mouse
69. Raining cats and dogs
70. A rare bird
71. Rat race
72. A sitting duck
73. Slippery as an eel
74. Something smells fishy
75. I smell a rat
76. Snake in the grass
77. Throw to the wolves
78. Stir up a hornet’s nest
79. Ugly ducking
80. Take the bull by the horns
81. Takes to it like a duck to water
82. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks
83. Have a tiger by the tail
84. Weak as a kitten
85. When the cats away the mice will play
86. The elephant in the room
87. Eagle-eyed
88. Soar like an eagle
89. Bug off
90. Have other fish to fry
91. Monkey business
92. No spring chicken
93. Talk turkey
94. Let the cat out of the bag
95. Swing like a monkey
96. Wild goose chase
97. Wouldn’t hurt a fly
98. Crafty like a fox
99. Mad as a hornet

A power animal is a protective spirit guide similar to a guardian angel but in animal form. They give us strength and confidence to go through difficulties. The reason they are called power animals is that they literally empower us. Any power animals can be any size, like when Ant man or a large bird that we can fly on. All power animals have extraordinary life-giving abilities and knowledge that help not only survive but to prosper in life.

So if we want to have a higher viewpoint about life, without illusions and ego, we should listen to our power animal. It will provide accurate advice that we honestly need to know right now. The power animals will get help us get in touch with our true self. Having a power animal companion is a most natural experience since our power animal is just like us. They are a reflection of who we are. And when we connect with their nature, we can become better human beings. Which is why most indigenous traditions consider the power animals to be our elder brothers and sisters.

To elevate your consciousness level, request a Power Animal Reading from the website, www.poweranimals.info. Your power animal is literally waiting in the wings to assist you. Which gives a whole new meaning to the concept of assistance animals. You’ll find a great friend and ally that is always with you. It is an incredible experience. Check out our website to get a power animals reading and to learn more: https://www.poweranimals.info

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