9/11 Special Stream to help out charities.

3 years ago

Fair warning I am going to show a couple of videos that show why I am doing this stream and I want everyone to know that these videos have some things that might upset some people. If you don't want to see the videos please don't show up for the first 10 minutes.

Going to do a live stream to help people donate to the veterans and first responders that have been affected by 9/11/2001. I am going to give a list of some charities that I know help those people. I hope people will be able to donate to all of this charities or just one.

Why I am doing the stream:

Veteran charities:
Code of Vets - https://www.codeofvets.com/

Disabled American Veterans - https://www.dav.org/

Home for Our Troops - https://www.hfotusa.org/

K9s For Warriors - https://k9sforwarriors.org/

Dogs for Life - https://www.dogsforlifevb.org/our-mission

Semper Fi & America's Fund - https://thefund.org/

Southeastern Guide Dogs - https://www.guidedogs.org/

Operation Second Chance - https://operationsecondchance.org/
Til Valhalla Project - https://tilvalhallaproject.com/

9/11 charities and first responders:
National September 11 Memorial & Museum - https://www.911memorial.org/

Tunnels to Towers Foundation - https://t2t.org/

FDNY Foundation - https://www.fdnyfoundation.org/

Tuesday's Children - https://www.tuesdayschildren.org/

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