Does These New Mandates Prove Biden Is A Dictator?

3 years ago

I am so upset by the executive order of our dictator Joe Biden, who has decided that the American people are to stupid to make there own health choices. This might be the most radical executive order in American history. We have never under any circumstances seen a president force through manipulation of business, the forcing of a vaccination. This administration and the Democratic Party has shown time and time again, That they do not care about our constitution, or our freedoms as Americans.

They should be called the Democratic Communist Party. They are against and Anti America. For those that think this is about safety, you are fooled and deceived. People are getting COVID-19 with the vaccine as well. This is about one thing, POWER AND CONTROL.They want to see if we will allow them to get away with this.

I am telling you this is stuff of communism, in a way we have never seen before. To take our right to choice away from us is the most un-American thing yet. We must rise up like never before or lose our freedoms completely. Thank God for all the governors that have already began to resist this unconstitutional mandate. I am not against vaccines, but getting vaccinated should be your choice as a American.

I think it’s funny that our president is sueing Texas for there abortion bill. Because a women’s body should be her choice, but this same hypocritical administration wants to mandate and force Americans to be vaccinate, against there will. I also think it’s funny that he wants to take our guns but just left 85 billion in weapons In Afghanistan. So take Americans guns, but give the Taliban billions of dollars of our guns, planes and equipment. Listen if we don’t stand up before it’s to late we will lose our beautiful nation. It’s time to rise up and not bow remember this on Election Day.

-Jordan Wells

#VaccineMandate #JoeBiden

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