Revolution Wrestling Federation presents Flashpoint!

3 years ago

Revolution Wrestling Federation presents Flashpoint!

The Harrisburg Midtown Arts March 23rd saw the birth of a Revolution with Flashpoint, as a standing room only audience witnessed the events that will set the standard for pro Wrestling! That revolution, however, did not start without it's fair share of rebels! Revolution Wrestling Federation was live and on line! Never one to follow the rules, Malcom King instead chose to use the rules to his advantage, feigning an injury to his leg during the battle to crown the RWF internet champion, tossing the man we thought to be victorious, Nui Tofiga, to become the company's inaugural champion. After being crowned the champion by WWE Hall of Famer Ron Simmons, Malcom was informed that he would not be comfortable in that position for long as he must now defend that title against none other than Nui Tofiga! Taking the cheap way out, Malcom had gotten intentionally disqualified to retain the internet championship. Also, Upon announcing the heavyweight title tournament qualifiers, JR Manitoba played out a main event that would leave fans talking! Those I attendance were thrilled to see the Red Scorpion go one on one with HC Loc, however the night wouldn't see a victor to this epic battle as Cyrus Parker led a charge to the ring consisting of Adam Cain, Prince Shongo and Dante Draconis, causing a double disqualification. Lucky for Loc and Scorpion, Mal Havock and TJ Mathis were on hand to come out and chase off the demons that had invaded!

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